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Laboratory Courses
Nursing Courses
Phlebotomy Courses
Customer Information

1) What is the continuing education requirement for California-licensed clinical laboratory scientists?
Certified Clinical Laboratory Scientists must obtain a total of 24 contact hours during every two-year renewal cycle.
2) Do I need to renew my license online?
Yes, As of December 1, 2017 you must renew your license online.
Here is a step by step video provided by the state of California.

You must register with The California Department of Public Health (CDPH)/ Laboratory Field Services before you can renew online.
You must renew your license with The California Department of Public Health (CDPH)/Laboratory Field Services.
1) What is the continuing education requirement for clinical laboratory personnel licensed in Florida?
Clinical laboratory personnel licensed in Florida must earn a total of 24 contact hours per biennium in order to renew their licenses. This total must include:
• one contact hour in each specialty in which they are licensed
• one contact hour in HIV/AIDS
• two contact hours in Prevention of Medical Errors
• one contact hour on the Florida laws and rules that govern clinical laboratory personnel.
Directors and Supervisors must also complete:
• one contact hour in administration/supervision.
2) How long is a course supposed to take me?
Florida Board regulations state that licensees should spend 50 minutes for the first contact hour of credit they earn, and 60 minutes for each contact hour after that. The California DHS states that licensees should spend 50 to 60 minutes for each contact hour they earn (10 to 12 hours of study on a 12-hour continuing education course).
1) I am planning to fax my Scantron answer sheet to you. How does this work?
You may fax your Scantron answer sheet to us at 1 (916) 248-5253 or 1 (916) 856-5067. (The fax machine works 24 hours a day, seven days a week). You may hear a recording when you are trying to fax, which is is normal the fax will pick up after the recording is finished.
The date the fax arrives in our office is the date that goes on the certificate. If you write on your scantron "fax back" or "email back" we will fax or email your certificate to you the following business day please make sure to include you fax number or email address.
For this next-day service, there is no charge. Please be aware that we receive an average of 200 faxes a day so it may take us until 5 p.m pacific time to get to yours. If you are in a hurry you can pay a $10 rush fee and we will fax or email or certificate in the next hour.
A hard copy certificate will be mailed back to you a few days later.
Once you have faxed to us, do not mail your original Scantron. The fax is your original in this case.
Important note: Please keep your fax machine’s confirmation of the transmittal until you have received your certificate — especially if you fax on the last day of your renewal cycle.
2) Will you automatically fax/email my certificate back to me?
No. We will fax/email your certificate the following day only if you request it. Without this request, we will mail your certificate.
General Information
1) Do you send a receipt?
A copy of your receipt is in your "Customer Account" under the heading "Order History."
If you ordered a quiz to be shipped, your receipt will be included in your order.
2) What happens if I lose my Scantron answer sheet?
Because the Scantron answer sheet is ‘live’ and can so easily be given away to someone who has not paid for the course— please put it in a safe place. If you cannot locate the Scantron sheet, you will have to call us.
3) Can I give or sell my home study course to a coworker?
Yes, with only one exception. If you give or sell the entire course (book and unused quiz), it is very important that we know the name of the person who ordered the course and the name and license number of the individual to whom the course has been transferred. Please call us with this information before sending us the answer sheet. When an answer sheet comes in, if the name on the answer sheet is not in our computer, we do not send out a certificate. Our search for the original owner will delay considerably the sending of the certificate.
The exception: Courses received through one of our free offers may not be used by anyone else.
4) If I already own the textbook used in the course, may I order just the quiz?
You may order a ‘quiz-only’ packet if you already have the textbook and have not already used it for credit. The person who orders a quiz-only packet receives every service enjoyed by persons ordering the complete course, except that he or she doesn’t receive the textbook. Quiz-only packets are generally available up to five years from the publication date of the book.
5) When I mail my Scantron answer sheet, what date is placed on my certificate?
The date that your answer sheet arrives in our office. We do not use the postmark date unless you write a note on the outside of the envelope telling us that you’d like us to use that date. In addition, you’ll have to write the postmark date on the outside of the envelope in your own hand because by the time the envelope reaches us, the post office marking is often illegible.
6) I’m planning to return my answer sheet to you overnight. What’s the best way to do this?
Whether you use Post Office Express Mail, UPS Next Day Air, or FedEx Overnight, always send an overnight delivery to our street address rather than to the post office box. With our street address on the package, the carrier will deliver it to our office as soon as it arrives in Sacramento. Our street address is 3246A Ramos Circle, Sacramento, California 95827.
Please be aware that the Post Office does not always deliver Express Mail within 24 hours. Check with your local post office for delivery and time requirements.
7) The expiration date on my quiz packet has now passed. Do you ever accept courses after this date?
Actually, we do. If you are a few months beyond the expiration date, go ahead and send it in. If you have a question as to whether we will accept it, you can always give us a call.
8) I have just completed several courses. May I mail all the answer sheets in the same envelope??
Please do, as this will save you postage.
9) Can I take the same course twice?
Please do not order the exact same course twice. Your board will not allow credit for a course you have already taken. However, if the textbook is in a new edition, the board considers this a new course and you will get credit for it.
If you have questions about whether you have already completed a course please give us a call.
10) Will you return my corrected answer sheet to me?
We return your corrected answer sheet to you. We also send a list of page references so that you can find the correct answers in the book. The way to find the ones you missed is to locate the pinkish-purplish mark at the outer edge of the answer sheet. When there is no mark, your answer is correct. (Sometimes the correcting machine makes a mistake; this is most often when the machine can’t read the answer because the pencil used was other than a #2 pencil, the answer fell in a deep fold of the paper, or ink was used.) You are the only one who knows your actual score; we keep only a pass/fail record in our computer.
11) The answers on my online quiz keep changing?
In order to comply with standards put in place by our accrediting agencies we are required to shuffle the options so it is harder to cheat. The answer you selected is the same it is just in a different place (it might move from the first position to the middle). If this is hard for you to deal with we can always ship you the quiz as long as you call us and pay for shipping.
12) I completed a quiz online, where is my certificate?
It is in your customer account under certificates
13) I ordered a quiz to be shipped and now I want to take it online?
If you placed the order online the quiz is already in your customer account. Log in with your username and password and then select online quizzes and you will see your quiz.
If you ordered the quiz over the phone just create a customer account and give us a call it will take 5 minutes for us to add it to your account.
14) I logged on to my customer account and my quiz is not there?
You might have accidently created multiple customer accounts. If this happens give us a call and we can merge these accounts.
15) What if I fail the quiz?
You must correctly answer at least 70% of the quiz questions to pass the course. If you do not pass on your first attempt, you may make a second attempt at no additional charge. For your information, when we find a score of less than 70%, we pick up the phone and call the person to let him or her know.
If you fail a quiz you took online the questions you answered incorrectly will be outlined with a red box.
If you fail twice you will need to pay $15 to reset your quiz.
16) I lost my certificate how do I get a new one?
Please give us a call and we can issue you a new one. It is $10.00 for same service and $5.00 for next day