Drain’s Perianesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach, Eighth Edition

Author: Jan Odom-Forren, MS, RN, PhD, CPAN, FAAN
Publisher: Elsevier
Date Published: 2024
Pages: 768
Cover Type: Hard Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Pilot Nurse Comments from Section A:


Textbook: Excellent. I really enjoyed the reading material.

Test: Fair, well-written and straightforward test questions add to the educational value of the study.

Anything Else:  I found the text to be well-written and easy-to-understand despite some difficult concepts. Good usage of tables included in the test questions.


Textbook: It was absolutely wonderful. I felt like it was written by a PACU nurse working beside me. I related to it all.

Test: Well done, made me think.

Anything Else: One of the most timely and accurate books I have read. The test was very good. I wish everyone I worked with could read this book.


Textbook: Excellent! Should be required reading for PACU nurses. Very thorough, not just a "refresher" course. Excellent discussion and application of pathophysiology relating to perianesthesia nursing.

Test: Well-written and requires thorough understanding of content – more than a basic course.

Anything Else: Great to have COVID-19 factors included in the book and test. I would recommend this course as a "didactic" class for nurses new to perianesthesia nursing. I personally will be using portions to "re-orient" coworkers and managers. We have "practice drift" which can be corrected with literature review and support!


Textbook: Textbook was god. Chapter 12 was very extensive and intricate—almost too much detail.

Anything Else: I found that this really required reading of the entire chapter in order to answer questions. It is definitely not a "skim" for key words type of education. Due to this, I think it will take the average person longer to complete.


Textbook: A great review plus lots of information that was new to me and just interesting!

Test: This is one of the best quizzes I have done. The questions on the chapters about management and background were brief and the focus was on physiology and pharmacology. I found few questions that were confusing and little that I felt should have been included that wasn't. Some of these topics were a review for me but I still learned several interesting things. The section on pharmacology had several great tips on the effects of anesthesia on certain types of patients. The test questions were weighted appropriately to the important/useful information. Well-written, good use of tables in questions and summaries of tables in the book.

Anything Else: Overall, this was a great course. It was straightforward and very interesting. I learned a lot even as a seasoned nurse. The focus was on education for the PACU nurse but provided information pertinent to all nurses who care for post-op patients.  I took a previous perianesthesia course but felt it was more basic. I learned a lot from this version. I didn't really have corrections. Twice I made comments/corrects only to later find out I was wrong.


Textbook: The book is excellent. Even after 46 years in the ICU and perianesthesia, I learned a lot. Very interesting. I especially found the additional tables and boxes very helpful.


Test: The questions are well-formulated and serve as a helpful guide to the material.

Anything Else: As an experienced PACE nurse, I can recommend this course to all levels of recovery room nurses. The text presents basic and necessary concepts and also stretches vocabulary and explanations for experienced nurses like me. I am excited to see all the patient care recommendations and stir up regimen.  


Textbook: Great textbook, easy-to-understand and very well-written.

Test: I thought the questions were good and right on target.

Anything Else: This was a great continuing education study and I will definitely recommend it to my fellow PACU nurses. I really enjoyed doing this pilot and felt that I learned a lot and reviewed a lot.


Textbook: Content addressed current practice in perianesthesia. I really appreciate the new edition of this book. It is very difficult to find perianesthesia education.

Test: A majority of the questions were appropriate for the course. A few questions were easy.

Anything Else: As an RN with 24 years of experience in PACU, I feel the content related to everyday practice. The content was familiar to me however, I believe it had very useful information throughout. This course is appropriate for every level of experience of perioperative and perianesthesia RNs.


Textbook: The textbook is very informative and easy to read. However, this book is for intermediate to advanced PACU RNs. I have 27 years in PACU, it seemed right for me.

Anything Else: Great subject matter. A must for all PACU nurses. I will recommend this course and book to my staff members. A very crucial pilot study.


Anything Else: It was very relevant and could improve a nurses PACU and Preop knowledge considerably.


Textbook: Organized well and concise. An enjoyable read!

Test: Answers were easy to locate and were distributed evenly through the chapters.


Textbook: It is very easy to read but the content is complete.

Test: I thought it was very fair.

Anything Else: Course is good for PACU RNs and other staff in the perioperative environments.

Pilot Nurse Comments from Section C:


Textbook: The textbook was well written.

Test: The test emphasized the necessary components for pre- and post-operative care.

Anything Else: An excellent study. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, and I learned new information. It should challenge experienced nurses in their practice.


Textbook: It was so awesome. I could tell that the author really knew what it was like to be a PACU nurse.

Test: It was good. It made me think. Some of the answers were new to me.

Anything Else: Excellent. New information was interesting. I wish everyone managing a PACU would have to take this course.


Textbook: Excellent book. The content is current and relevant to all areas of perianesthesia nursing care. It is a good review of knowledge and current nursing practice and supports the ongoing pursuit of providing the best clinical care integrating nursing experience, current evidence, patient/family values/preferences

Test: Well-organized and written. I appreciate the chapter-specific sections.

Anything Else: This course is excellent for all perianesthesia nurses, especially for nurses orienting to perianesthesia nursing and for updates and evidence-based practice findings.


Textbook: The textbook is well organized and a wonderful reference.

Test: It was much easier than the first 2 sections.


Test: Very well done! The test questions were appropriate for the material, informative, and downright interesting! I really enjoyed this course. It was challenging, interesting, and informative. And, you didn’t need a PhD to understand it!

Anything Else: This is one of the best courses I have ever done. I would definitely recommend it. I have been a nurse for 40 years and I learned a lot.


Textbook: The content was excellent! I found the research and EBP boxes to be very exciting! All the new research was really good. We WANT to learn!


Textbook: Depending on the chapter content almost every topic can be read first as an overview and reread and explored for more detailed practice information. In my busy outpatient surgery center, we have used the text as an introduction to new RNs and a reference for all. I particularly appreciated the updates that affect both patient safety and current best practices.

Test: This section went quicker for me. Maybe I am more used to the format, and I found fewer errors. There were fewer questions that needed adjustment and most pointed out important facts and new information.

Anything Else: I think there is important information for novice to experienced nurses.


Textbook: Content is up to date, not too overwhelming and is accurate to current clinical practice. Highly recommend to all perianesthesia RNs. I would strongly encourage all entry level PACU RNs to be required to read this book as part of their orientation requirements.

Anything Else: I appreciate the content and wish there was a larger selection of perianesthesia education courses available.


Test: Most of the questions were well written and you do need to read the text to find the correct answer. You can’t just skim.

Anything Else: I retired 3 years ago so I learned some new things. Surgeries are evolving and more and more procedures are done same day (less than 24 hours stay). Some of the content came more easily to me because of my experience in hospital settings and PACU particularly. I feel hospitals and surgery centers could use these courses to improve nursing knowledge leading to better patient care particularly postop care.


Textbook: The third part was more like a resource or textbook than part of a CEU course. I found the information interesting.


Section I: The Postanesthesia Care Unit
1. Space Planning and Basic Equipment Systems
2. Perianesthesia Nursing as a Specialty
3. Management and Policies
4. Crisis Resource Management in the PACU
5. Infection Prevention and Control in the PACU
6. The Changing Health Care System and Its Implications for the PACU
7. Patient Safety and Legal Issues in the PACU
8. Ethics in Perianesthesia Nursing
9. Evidence-Based Practice and Research
Section II: Physiologic Considerations in the PACU
10. The Nervous System
11. The Cardiovascular System
12. The Respiratory System
13. The Renal System
14. Fluid and Electrolytes
15. The Endocrine System
16. The Hepatobiliary and Gastrointestinal System
17. The Integumentary System
18. The Immune System
Section III: Concepts in Anesthetic Agents
19. Basic Principles of Pharmacology
20. Inhalation Anesthesia


Section III: Concepts in Anesthetic Agents
21. Nonopioid Intravenous Anesthetics
22. Opioid Intravenous Anesthetics
23. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
24. Local Anesthetics
25. Regional Anesthesia
Section IV: Nursing Care in the PACU
26. Transition from the Operating Room to the PACU
27. Assessment and Monitoring of the Perianesthesia Patient
28. Patient Education and Care of the Perianesthesia Patient
29. Postanesthesia Care Complications
30. Assessment and Management of the Airway
31. Pain Management
32. Care of the Ear, Nose, Throat, Neck, and Maxillofacial Surgical Patient
33. Care of the Ophthalmic Surgical Patient
34. Care of the Thoracic Surgical Patient
35. Care of the Cardiac Surgical Patient


Section IV: Nursing Care in the PACU

36. Care of the Vascular Surgical Patient
37. Care of the Orthopedic Surgical Patient
38. Care of the Neurosurgical and Neurointerventional Patient
39. Care of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgical Patient
40. Care of the Gastrointestinal, Abdominal, and Anorectal Surgical Patient
41. Care of the Genitourinary Surgical Patient
42. Care of the Obstetric and Gynecological Surgical Patient
43. Care of the Breast Surgical Patient
44. Care of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Patient
45. Care of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery
46. Care of the Ambulatory Surgical Patient
47. Care and the Laser/Laparoscopic Surgical Patient
Section V: Special Considerations
48. Care of the Patient with Chronic Disorders
49. Care of the Pediatric Patient
50. Care of the Older Patient
51. Care of the Pregnant Patient
52. Care of the Patient with Substance Use Disorder
53. Care of the Patient with Thermal Imbalance
54. Care of the Shock Trauma Patient
55. Care of the Intensive Care Unit Patient in the PACU
56. Bioterrorism and Its Impact on the PACU
57. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the PACU
58 International Perspectives on Perienesthesia Nursing and Competence

Janice Tazbir RN, MS, CS, CCRN, CNE, RYT, Content Expert

Ms. Tazbir earned an Associate Degree, a Bachelor’s Degree, and then a Master’s Degree as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Critical Care at Purdue University Calumet in Hammond, Indiana. Her clinical nursing background is in critical care nursing and is where she has worked the entirety of her career. She recently retired from the University of Chicago Medicine in the Level 1 Trauma ICU.

Her teaching career has been at Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN, from 1997 to 2019, where she has taught advanced medical surgical nursing, pathophysiology, critical care, capstone in nursing, care of the older adult, physical assessment and NCLEX-RN preparation. She was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award at Purdue University Northwest in 2006 and attained the status of Professor of Nursing in 2011 at Purdue University Northwest. She has been a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) since 2012.

Janice is a member of many professional organizations including Sigma Theta Tau, the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, and the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. She has published numerous refereed articles and has authored four books over her career. She has presented locally, nationally, and internationally. She teaches NCLEX reviews for Elsevier as a Live Review Instructor for Elsevier in Dallas, Texas, and is an expert on NCLEX and HESI exams, including test writing, test analysis, and teaching faculty regarding NCLEX. Her administrative involvement includes serving as past Undergraduate Program Coordinator at Purdue University Northwest, Hammond Campus. Her passions include traveling and yoga. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) and practices yoga on and off the mat.

Mary Elizabeth Meeds, RN, BSN, PHN, Editor

As editor, Mrs. Meeds assisted with quiz development. Earning her BSN in 1986 at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Mrs. Meeds worked in various hospital settings, including oncology, neurology, and pediatrics. She is experienced as a case manager for a home health care company and as the manager of a health center at a wilderness camp. Currently, Mrs. Meeds works as the technical writer for a non-profit organization, where she also volunteers her nursing services for the 3,000 people of all ages associated annually with the organization.

Lilah Harper, RN, BSN, MA, PhD, Accredited Provider Program Director

Dr. Harper earned her BS in Nursing and Master of Arts degrees from University of Arizona. Her MA focused on tests and measurements and adult education. She completed an Executive Program in Health Policy and Management at Harvard University and received a PhD in Education, focusing on curriculum and instruction, from Suffield University. Dr. Harper is a former Vice President of the Arizona Board of Nursing and has held varied positions in nursing, including nursing administration, nursing education, research, clinical trials management, and legal nurse consulting.

This activity is eligible for AACN synergy model Category A.

Drain’s PeriAnesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach, 8th Edition provides comprehensive clinical content tailored specifically for perianesthesia nurses. Nursing and pharmacologic interventions are integrated with in-depth coverage of pathophysiology, and updated content includes the latest standards and current issues.

• Revised content throughout provides the most up-to-date information for effective perianesthesia nursing practice.
•Full-color layout makes content more visually appealing and highlights important information.
•Information on SARS/COVID-19 is now included in the Pathogens chapter.
• Coverage of pain management for the perianesthesia patient features the latest guidelines.
• Evidence-Based Research boxes provide the latest standards of care.
• Coverage of current policies and issues affecting perianesthesia nursing practice includes patient safety, infection control, managed care implications, pain management, and bioterrorism.
• Comprehensive information on the various types of anesthetic agents.
• Special Considerations section details the care of patients with conditions such as malignant hyperthermia, substance abuse, sickle cell anemia, and cardiac arrest.

NameDeliveryCourse CodeHoursPrice 
Reading Material and all 3 QuizzesShippedPERI25ABC60.0$150.00
Reading Material and 2 quizzesShippedPERI25AB40.0$135.00
Reading Material and 2 quizzesShippedPERI25AC40.0$135.00
Reading Material and 2 quizzesShippedPERI25BC40.0$135.00
Quiz onlyShippedPERI25ABC quiz60.0$78.00
Section A Quiz onlyShippedPERI25A quiz20.0$34.00
Section B Quiz onlyShippedPERI25B quiz20.0$34.00
Section C Quiz onlyShippedPERI25C quiz20.0$34.00
Name / Course CodePrice / DeliveryHours 
Reading Material and all 3 Quizzes
Reading Material and 2 quizzes
Reading Material and 2 quizzes
Reading Material and 2 quizzes
Quiz only
(PERI25ABC quiz)
Section A Quiz only
(PERI25A quiz)
Section B Quiz only
(PERI25B quiz)
Section C Quiz only
(PERI25C quiz)