The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need, Tenth Edition

Author: Malcolm Thaler, MD
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Date Published: 2023
Pages: 390
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2026

(Note: All nurses who participate in pilot studies are Registered Nurses.)

CCMC PACE Feedback

Program Review: The learning activity meets the nurse's expectations in the following areas:

100% felt content was well organized.

100% felt the content was accurate.

100% felt tables, figures, and/or illustrations were relevant to the course content.

58% felt appropriate references were used. (Those that did not answer this one stated they were unable to find references in the book)

100% felt the course content/topic was timely and interesting.

Industry Bias:

100% felt the activity was free from commercial bias.

100% felt generic names were used in place of trade names.

58% felt that if trade names were used, the names of multiple drug/devices in the same class displayed without bias over one another. 42% felt this was not applicable.

Level of Difficulty:

75% felt the subject was moderate (the familiarity of the subject area and the complexity of the content would be average for the average member of the target audience).

25% felt the subject was difficult (A portion of the subject area is unfamiliar, and a portion of the content is complex for the target audience.

Target Audience:

75% felt the target audience was those with average knowledge and skills in the subject area.

25% felt the target audience was those with advanced knowledge and skills in the subject area.



Darlene B.

Textbook: The textbook was excellent. The amount of information can be overwhelming but the author tried to simplify it as much as possible.

Test: A few answers were tricky (which is good!)

Anything Else: Any nurse who uses EKGs in their practice should take this course. This was a very informative course. I will definitely need to review it more than once, but it is a great resource.

Marlis B.

Textbook: Excellent textbook. I will refer to it often.

Test: Test was user-friendly, it asked pertinent questions.

Anything Else: I loved the course. A great review! The author of the text must have a wonderful sense of humor, it kept my interest in the course.

Megan B.

Textbook: Great textbook. It is a great review for experienced RNs as well as new ones.

Test: Loved how questions followed along with the text. Helped with learning concepts with minimal confusion on where to locate the answer.

Anything Else: Excellent. This information is difficult to teach/learn but this activity was a great review and also either taught me new information or explained information on concepts I've been confused on. I highly recommend this course!! It was extremely informative, a great review of concepts I have forgotten and provided additional information I never knew.

Megan C.

Textbook: This is an enjoyable, well-organized textbook.

Test: The test author did an excellent job in choosing quiz content and writing the questions.

Anything Else: This course is great! Excellent textbook choice. The quiz author did a great job. The topic incorporates into everyday life of the typical ICU nurse. EKG interpretation can be intimidating for a lot of nurses. This text breaks down EKG interpretation into steps that are easy to understand and apply to everyday, real life situations.

Kimberly C.

Textbook: Fairly easy to follow for the complexity and amount of information covered.

Test: Would be more consistent about having images of the EKGs in the text or reference the text. [Some of the EKGs take up so much space we could not use them; instead we referred learners to the page in the text that showed the EKG]

Marcia D.

Textbook: Well organized. I appreciated the steps from a simple to complex style in learning about EKGs. The basics first! Text is an excellent resource for the nitty gritty on EKGs. Chapter 8: Putting it All Together is very helpful. Participants learn via summative evaluation. Easy-to-read graphics, print, and key information boxes. Course participants can check their answers when evaluating EKG strips right away, which can enhance learning.

Anything Else: In order to fully absorb and process the information, participants most likely will need to go back and memorize facts.

Lorraine H.

Textbook: This book is very well-written. I love how it is broken down.

Test: It was good.

Greta H.

Textbook: Loved the book. Good coloration, pictures and content. Made you want to read it.

Test: Covered basics to advanced knowledge. Questions were thought provoking.

Anything Else: Would recommend this course to someone wanting to enhance their knowledge and skill regarding EKGs who has basic to advanced knowledge. Would be nice to add something about intraaortic ballon pumps or cardiac devices to the book in the future.

Reginald T.

Textbook: It felt like the authors tried to teach the information differently. Felt like a course approached the reading of EKGs in a fun, enjoyable approach. There was a confidence that you would learn the information. I recommend and will use as a reference in the future.

Anything Else: Overall, the course did a good job with a complex topic. You may want other sources of EKG instruction to support what is learned.

Margaret W.

Textbook: Very straightforward, clear and concise, and easy to follow. Really kept my interest throughout.

Test: I felt it was a good assessment of the course content.

Anything Else: I used the same textbook (earlier edition) 30 or more years ago when I first started in critical care. It really helped me then. This course would be great for RNs who work in areas where patients are on the cardiac monitor (telemetry, critical care, ER, PACU, etc.)

William W.

Textbook: The material presented in this textbook is very informative. The content is well-organized and the EKG strips and case studies were good examples. The last 2 chapters did a great job of "putting it all together". It utilized all the information presented in the textbook in a very practical way…what a nurse could encounter in their practice.

Test: The test was as balanced as it could be. The questions did a good coverage of the subject matter.

Anything Else: As an ICU or telemetry nurse, being able to read EKG strips/recordings is such an important task in the care of your patient. EKG changes can happen at any time in your shift (and occasionally does). How to address these EKG changes is crucial in the care of your patient. But as the book states "EKGs should never be used in isolation; they are just one piece…of the puzzle that every patient presents." This would be a good course for those preparing for or renewing their ACLS certification.

Ruth Whitehurst

Textbook - The author presents the information in a way that is down to earth and as easy as possible to understand. This is a very concise, all-inclusive EKG course. I like the systematic way the author presented EKGs, the chapter putting it all together, and the illustrations. This book is a tool for me to use in my practice as a nurse in critical care.

Anything Else: I have been a nurse for over 40 years, and a CCRN for 34. I have worked in specialty units excluding my first 2 years on med/surg. That being said the critical care nurse at the current bedside is very involved in doing all of the technical/critical care assessments/equipment use. I found certain parts of the book to be very involved and in-depth. At the bedside of course we must know evolving MIs, rhythm identification, proper treatment modalities, etc. However, there is not the time factor to dissect the EKG in the depth the book presents. That being said, it is a powerful tool to keep in my work bag to refer to. I had to work at this course. It is a good course and took me time to get through.


  1. Getting Started
  2. Hypertrophy and Enlargement of the Heart
  3. Arrhythmias
  4. Conduction Blocks
  5. Preexcitation Syndromes
  6. Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
  7. Finishing Touches
  8. Putting It All Together

The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need provides clear and concise guidance on EKG use in everyday practice. Ideal for readers at all levels of experience, this straightforward, highly visual resource presents information on using an EKG to diagnose cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, with numerous EKG strips, clear illustrations, clinical examples, and case studies throughout. 

Key features
• Provides more than 200 EKG strips, including many new to this edition
• Includes updated clinical scenarios and case studies, step-by-step instructions, newly clarified concepts, and high-quality illustrations
• Uses a lighthearted, lively writing style designed to be compelling and minimize confusion
• Outlines processes for identifying and interpreting arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, and other disorders
• Advises on the dangers of over-reliance on computer interpretations


NameDeliveryCourse CodeHoursPrice 
Reading Material and QuizShippedEKG2418.0$85.00
Quiz onlyShippedEKG24 Quiz18.0$34.00
Name / Course CodePrice / DeliveryHours 
Reading Material and Quiz
Quiz only
(EKG24 Quiz)