G.B., RN, Georgia
Textbook: Well laid out. Short complete chapters packed with lots of information without being boring or overwhelming. The book is well organized. Short chapters made it easy to stop and start. Tables were small (boxes) and the blue/white was sometimes difficult to see.
Test: Test was fair and straightforward. It hit all of the highlights from the chapter. Especially chapter 14 (the critically ill obstetric patient). I had no idea about any of that.
“Great program. The history of COVID was simple (much better than the news) and explained well as far as transmission. I was in critical care for many years, that section was so well explained and right on target. The section about vent management was excellent. I had no idea about pregnant COVID patients and learned a lot. So glad that was its own chapter. This course answered lots of questions about COVID-19 and helped to distinguish media confusion from actual facts.
S.B., RN, California
Textbook: Well done with a nursing orientation. Format very well organized. Size of book required a small font, which was sometimes difficult to see. Some of the abbreviations were similar to one another and could cause confusion. Some authors were better than others with framing specific questions.
Test: Seems to be an effort to cover the relevant facts needed by nurses.
Anything Else: Course self-explanatory and internally consistent. The emphasis on international concerns might be emphasized.
J.B., RN, Massachusetts
Textbook: Content organized well. Some figures and tables were light in print.
Test: Test followed nicely with the textbook.
Anything Else: Highly recommend! The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented time to be working in all roles of healthcare. The authors' discussion takes the reader through the entire spectrum of the pandemic. Particularly like the discussions of the role of the critical care nurse in public health emergencies, the assessment of the critically ill patient, and the interventions needed to care for these patients. The author’s recognition that nursing is both physically and emotionally demanding cannot be overstated, especially during the height of the pandemic. Provides a good framework of reference for caring for the critically ill COVID19 population.
M.D., RN, Florida
Textbook: It was very comprehensive. Some of the first chapters were new to me with later chapters being a review. Really enjoyed the microbiology info. Content was great. I liked knowing the pandemic was pretty much the same in another country.
Test: I thought a few questions were difficult, but I guess that is how we learn.
Anything Else: It was so informative. I wish I knew it 2 years ago. I worked in PACU during the pandemic. I don’t know if anyone else had this problem. We chart in the computer in a completely different program. I called MS ICU and asked if anyone could help us with the program when we had ICU patients in PACU. They were too busy proning patients. Finally, we found someone in education. That really bothered me.
V.S., RN, California
Textbook: The book is full of clinically useful information to aid the nurse in the COVID-19 setting. Despite being written with a UK-specific setting, it still allows the reader to compare/contrast and eventually apply the information and lessons in their own practice wherever they may be.
Test: The test effectively assesses the relevant content in the textbook.
Anything Else: The book is a helpful tool for the nurse who finds themselves caring for patients in a rapidly changing clinical setting. In this instance, the book is specific to the COVID-19 pandemic’s particular challenges. Timely, and despite the UK setting, still applicable to any practitioner outside of the UK and to any future rapidly-changing pandemic scenarios.
M.T., RN, California
Textbook: Textbook is well-written and demonstrates diligent research. Topic is extremely relevant.
Test: Test shows sufficient challenge questions balanced so as not too easy or intimidating.
W.W., RN, Texas
Textbook: Though this textbook was written when vaccination programs were in progress, the material addressed “will be relevant and transferrable to other infectious disease outbreaks.” Just note the mutations and variations in COVID-19 and its impact on healthcare provision. Good use of tables, figures, diagrams, case studies, self-test questions, and references to support information shared. A great resource. I found the role of the critical care nurse in chapter 2 enlightening and informative. I actually felt that chapter 2 was a significant chapter in the text.
Test: Good overall review of the material discussed in the textbook. Good use of tables, figures, and diagrams in questions asked. Good use of the “match” questions asked.
Anything Else: Professor Mark Radford said it well in his forward to this text that “it is inevitable that future pandemics will occur and it is essential that we share the lessons learned to build resilience, knowledge, and expertise that will ultimately save lives." This is an excellent resource that should be critical reading for any healthcare worker involved in pandemic management of critical care patients. The themes in this text will be relevant and transferrable to other infectious disease outbreaks. This textbook is based on experiences of frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is much we can learn from their shared experiences.
B.W., RN, Alaska
Textbook: Excellent book. Extremely timely and up-to-date as possible. Definitely recommend this to other nurses. Valuable reference.
Test: Liked the more complex questions, matching definitions with subject matter or choosing multiple correct answers.
Anything Else: Very detailed information and instruction on complex issues and procedures.
Chapter 1. Pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2
Chapter 2: Public health emergencies
Chapter 3. Critical care nurse leadership
Chapter 4. Reorganization of critical care services
Chapter 5. COVID-19 perspectives in low- and low–middle-income countries
Chapter 6. Assessment of the critically ill patient
Chapter 7. Non-invasive ventilation and high-flow nasal oxygen in COVID-19
Chapter 8. Invasive ventilation in COVID-19
Chapter 9. Acute respiratory distress syndrome and the prone position in COVID-19
Chapter 10. Hemodynamic assessment, monitoring and management
Chapter 11. Acute kidney injury
Chapter 12. Neurological care, sedation and pain management
Chapter 13. Resuscitation in COVID-19
Chapter 14. Care of the critically ill obstetric patient
Chapter 15. Providing end-of-life care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Appendix 1. Case studies and self-test questions
Appendix 2. Glossary of terms and blood tests
CCRNs: This course is eligible for new synergy model Category A.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the reality that nurses in a variety of settings need to understand the basic steps in caring for a person who is rapidly becoming critically ill. Carter and Notter write with this premise in COVID-19: A Critical Care Textbook. It is a text for critical care nurses and for all nurses to better understand how to provide safe care to a deteriorating Covid patient
Written by nurses for nurses, the text addresses patient assessment, non-invasive ventilation, use of high-flow nasal oxygenation and renal care, the challenges of resuscitation, leadership and responding to a public health emergency, and effective personal protection and hygiene practices.