
Author: Angela Golden, DNP, FNP-C, FAANP
Publisher: Elsevier: An Issue of Nursing Clinics
Date Published: 2021
Pages: 240
Cover Type: Hard Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2025


Feedback from PACE Certified Case Manager (CCM) form for OBESITY22

The learning activity meets the nurse’s expectations in the following areas:

100% felt the content was well organized.

100% felt the content was accurate.

100% felt that appropriate references were used.

100% felt that the content/topic was timely and interesting.

Industry Bias:

100% felt that the activity was free from commercial (industry) bias.

92% felt that generic names were used in place of trade names. 8% felt trade names were used in place of generic names.

62% felt that if trade names were used, the names of multiple drug/devices in the same class displayed without bias over one another. 38% felt this was not applicable.

Level of Difficulty:

77% felt that the content was moderate.

23% felt that the content was difficult.

Target Audience:

77% thought this course was appropriate for those with average knowledge and skills in the subject area.

23% thought that this course was appropriate for those with advanced knowledge and skills in the subject area.


Carole A.

Textbook: Excellent. I felt the information was very straightforward. There were some areas with language and physiology I had to reread to understand the context and some areas I had to go to medical dictionaries. But, overall, a very well-presented book of information. This text should be part of every nursing curriculum at all levels. It would prevent or help to understand this issue.

Anything Else: This was THE BEST STUDY I have seen in a long time. I enjoyed the study and I have a more compassionate way of looking at those struggling with obesity. I can now view my own struggles with weight and not always beat myself up over the issue. Now I can see the complex makeup of the disease.

Elizabeth A.

Anything Else: It is a very relevant topic in today’s society and definitely a positive approach to clinician’s knowledge and best practices in addressing how to help patients with this issue.

Katherine B.

Textbook: A “sterile” read with professional language but full of gold. Not for “casual” learners or for those wanting an easy read or a comprehensive review of previous material learned. Very nice assortment of various sub-themes. Highly efficacious.

Test: I appreciated the content presentation.

Anything Else: Only for serious-minded professionals that don’t mind a brain workout and ability to piece random subtopics into a mental, concrete collaborated draft to see a big picture. I loved it! It may be a “harder” read in some areas, but the issue is too important. A brush-up, review, or research of pathophysiology and a medical dictionary for some terms may be required if one wants to thoroughly be intimate with the material other than a surface reading.

Linda C.

Textbook: Text contains much useful information. However, I found the articles very technical and difficult to read. I spent a lot of time rereading as I did not understand it the first time.

Anything Else: The information was up-to-date and new to me. The subject certainly needs to have more attention and all nurses could benefit from this knowledge.

Laura D.

Textbook: I think this textbook was thorough and highlighted and stressed the complexity of obesity.

Test: Lots of information in the textbook. It was helpful to help understand and retain the information with lots of questions. Many times I re-read this text to get the answer. This is good.

Anything Else: I’m encouraged that so much research has been done and will continue to be done on obesity. Hopefully, as we health care providers will see the importance of educating ourselves on obesity so we can better serve the obese population and strive to make a difference.

Mary D.

Textbook: I found the textbook to be a difficult read. One really would have to read this book to be able to do the test.

Test: Test was fair and covered material in the reading.

Anything Else: I found the book interesting but not too easy to follow. It seemed like something more for and advanced practice nurse or a specialty nurse.

Sandra M.

Textbook: Easy reading; article collections were organized and addressed all groups of people.

Test: Fair. Questions were well-written. I thought there was a good mix of single-answer and multiple-answer questions.

Anything Else: Course was well-organized. I liked that the questions were separated by article. Easier reading than I was anticipating. Thank you for allowing me to participate. I have gleaned tips to implement into my daily practice working with adolescents.

Susanne P.

Textbook: I thought the textbook was very well-written and provided lots of knowledge into the obesity disease. I enjoyed it and learned a lot.

Test: I thought the test was fair and well-written.

Yvonne R.

Textbook: I thought the materials in this text were very timely and hope that it will not take too long to filter out to clinicians and the public. I loved how well-organized it was – so you could go directly to a particular topic.

Test: The test was very well-constructed – it pulled out the most relevant materials. I only had one comment that I wrote in the quiz. Otherwise, I felt that the quiz stands well as is.

Anything Else: Such great material – but challenges so much of traditional education. This is going to require slaughtering some sacred cows! I think this course is a much-needed new evaluation of the evidence-based, up-to-date research that is redefining the whole paradigm of obesity diagnosis and treatment.

Jennifer S.

Textbook: I appreciate all of the contributors.

Test: Questions are appropriate and well-spaced. It would be impossible to have a question for every piece of information I learned.

Anything Else: I almost passed on this because of the topic. I’m so glad I didn’t. I’d like to share this text with every healthcare provider and nurse I know. This education material will teach new information on a topic that most will think they have already mastered. It does a great job of addressing the science behind the disease of obesity. I found the focus on bias very helpful. I will absolutely apply what I have learned in my own practice.

Linda S.

Textbook: I come from a strong VA medical center background where we do take care of very diverse populations. I am surprised at bias and disparities in the private sector. Would be interesting to compare/contrast VA vs. private care.

Test: Test covered everything.

Anything Else: Excellent information.

Ruth W.

Textbook: Textbook was well organized.

Bernadette W.

Anything Else: Clearly made the point that the medical profession really contributes to the bias on obesity; not only by their words and actions, but also by environment and equipment.

  • Key Causes and Contributors of Obesity: A Perspective
  • Pathophysiology of Obesity
  • Weight Bias and Stigma: Impact on Health
  • Current Evidence-Based Treatment of Obesity
  • The Influence of Obesity on Care of Adults with Cardiovascular Disease
  • Obesity and Diabetes
  • Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Obesity and Psychiatric Disorders
  • Obesity and Sleep
  • Obesity in the Critical Care Setting
  • Obesity and Children
  • Obesity and Men’s Health
  • Obesity in Women: Paying a High Price
  • Systemic and Environmental Contributors to Obesity Inequities in Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • Moving Toward Health Policy that Respects Both Science and People Living with Obesity

This program is pre-approved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) to provide continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs).

CCRNs: This course is eligible for new synergy model Category B.

Obesity is designed for those who want to:

  • Learn the absolute latest about obesity.
  • Learn what is it about the body that makes losing weight so difficult.
  • Learn the components of a weight loss program that work.
  • Understand why the effort to lose weight is so necessary: "Research has demonstrated more than 236 obesity-associated disorders and 14 cancers are directly caused by obesity."
  • Read "a much-needed new evaluation of the evidence-based, up-to-date research that is redefining the whole paradigm of obesity diagnosis and treatment" (from a pilot study nurse).

Please click on blue "Comments" button above to see how pilot nurses describe this activity.

NameDeliveryCourse CodeHoursPrice 
Reading Material and QuizShippedOBESITY2212.5$56.00
Quiz onlyShippedOBESITY22 Quiz12.5$34.00
Quiz onlyOnlineOBESITY22 (Quiz-Online)12.5$34.00
Name / Course CodePrice / DeliveryHours 
Reading Material and Quiz
Quiz only
(OBESITY22 Quiz)
Quiz only
(OBESITY22 (Quiz-Online))