Gerontological Nursing, Tenth Edition

Author: Charlotte Eliopoulos, PhD, MPH, RN
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Date Published: 2022
Pages: 566
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2025

- “As a lifelong acute nurse, I really found it very helpful and informative to learn so much about the outpatient and home care/monitoring/mentoring side of gerontology. I like the nursing care plans that are offered. They will definitely be of help in my current practice and I hope to share them with colleagues, as we have many new-to-practice RNs at our institution.”

- “I am a hospice case manager and educator for our new nurses. This course has already been beneficial with training nurses and helping them understand the population that is our primary clients.”

- “I highly recommend this course. Chances are most of us nurses will work with patients over 65 at some point in our careers and we need to be educated about their special needs and issues. This text presents current and useful information about this segment of our population.”

- “Beyond just the info, there was much thought provoking material in “Points to Ponder,” “Consider this Case,” “Critical Thinking exercises,” and “Practice Realities.” Unlike so many other education materials, I will be thinking/pondering many of these for some time. I am sorry that I am currently retired – I would be presenting many of these to staff for development.”

- “I worked for years in long-term care as assistant director of nurses and I found many new insights/ information in this text. This is very up-to-date information and probably should be required study for nursing home staff and/or anyone working with the geriatric population.” 

This program is pre-approved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) to provide continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs).

CCRNs: This course is eligible for new synergy model Category B.

This course meets the implicit bias requirement of the state of California.

This text offers evidence-based coverage of the aging process, factors contributing to healthy aging, and unique aspects of disease presentation and management in older adults. It provides a holistic approach through insightful coverage of the psychosocial, legal, ethical, and spiritual elements of patient care, with updated content throughout To help meet the challenges of a changing health care environment and an increasingly diverse population.   

This activity expires on December 31, 2025. 

NameDeliveryCourse CodeHoursPrice 
Reading Material and QuizShippedGERON22AB36.0$114.00
Quiz onlyShippedGERON22A Quiz18.0$34.00
Quiz onlyShippedGERON22B Quiz18.0$34.00
Section A and B QuizzesOnlineGERON22AB (Online Quiz)36.0$58.00
Quiz onlyOnlineGERON22A (Online Quiz)18.0$34.00
Quiz onlyOnlineGERON22B (Online Quiz)18.0$34.00
Name / Course CodePrice / DeliveryHours 
Reading Material and Quiz
Quiz only
(GERON22A Quiz)
Quiz only
(GERON22B Quiz)
Section A and B Quizzes
(GERON22AB (Online Quiz))
Quiz only
(GERON22A (Online Quiz))
Quiz only
(GERON22B (Online Quiz))