Clinical Chemistry (2 hour)

Publisher: Elsevier
Date Published: 2021
Pages: 21
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2023


  • Specify the estimated number of Americans who simultaneously use both herbal supplements and conventional drugs.
  • State rules of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act that govern how herbal supplements are sold in the United States.
  • Identify the role of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) related to the safety and efficacy of these supplements.

Issues with Variable Active Ingredients and Poor Manufacturing Practices

  • Describe problems encountered with herbal supplements related to variations in their active ingredients.
  • List poor manufacturing practices found in about 50% of herbal supplement manufacturing facilities in the United States from 2008-2012.

FDA Action When Toxic Herbs are Identified

  • Identify action FDA is authorized to take if an herbal supplement product is found to be toxic.

Herbal Supplements and Abnormal Liver Function Tests

  • List herbal supplements associated with liver toxicity.
  • Specify the mechanisms by which herbal supplements cause liver damage.
  • Name the herb that may cause hepatotoxicity in a manner similar to that caused by overdose of acetaminophen.
  • Compare toxicity of green tea to that of concentrated extracts of green tea.
  • Identify the substance in ma huang that may be responsible for its severe cardiotoxic and hepatotoxic effects.

Herbal Supplements Associated with Kidney Damage

  • Specify the substance in herbal supplements that has been shown to cause progressive fibrosing interstitial nephritis leading to renal failure and severe anemia.

Herbal Supplements and Hypoglycemia

  • List herbal supplements that have been investigated for their use in controlling diabetes.
  • Name the trace element required for maintenance of normal glucose metabolism.

Licorice and Hypokalemia

  • Relate the possible effects of excessive intake of licorice and the conditions under which these effects may occur.

Kelp and Abnormal Thyroid Function Tests

  • Identify individuals who may experience the Wolff-Chaikoff effect from ingesting kelp supplement with high levels of iodine.  

Drug-Herb Interactions

  • Identify the mechanisms by which St. John’s wort decreases the effectiveness of many drugs.
  • Identify the most clinically important drug interactions with St. John’s wort.

Drug-Herb Interactions

  • Specify the prescription medication that when taken with St. John’s wort can result in serotonin syndrome.
  • Distinguish between herbal supplements that affect the prothrombin time INR, increasing or decreasing the efficacy of warfarin in patients.
  • Specify the pharmacodynamic interaction between ginkgo biloba and certain prescription drugs.

Grapefruit Juice-Drug Interactions

  • Identify the drug whose efficacy decreases when consumed with grapefruit juice.

Meets the Florida 1-hour specialty requirement in clinical chemistry.

For ASCP, this course provides 2 contact hours in clinical chemistry.

“Effects of Herbal Supplements on Clinical Laboratory Test Results” addresses:

  • Issues with Variable Active Ingredients and Poor Manufacturing Practices
  • FDA Action When Toxic Herbs are Identified
  • Herbal Supplements and Abnormal Liver Function Tests
  • Herbal Supplements Associated with Kidney Damage
  • Herbal Supplements and Hypoglycemia
  • Licorice and Hypokalemia
  • Kelp and Abnormal Thyroid Function Tests
  • Drug-Herb Interactions
  • Grapefruit Juice Drug Interactions

“Effects of Herbal Supplements on Clinical Laboratory Test Results” is Chapter 18 of Accurate Results in the Clinical Laboratory: A Guide to Error Detection and Correction, Second Edition. Edited by Amitava Dasgupta, PhD, DABCC, et al. Published by Elsevier in 2019.

NameDeliveryCourse CodeHoursPrice 
Reading material and quizShipped2CHEM212.0$15.00
Reading Material and QuizOnline2CHEM21 (Online)2.0$15.00
Name / Course CodePrice / DeliveryHours 
Reading material and quiz
Reading Material and Quiz
(2CHEM21 (Online))