Microbiology (2 Hours)

Author: Clinics in Laboratory Medicine
Publisher: Elsevier
Date Published: 2020
Pages: 19
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2023

  • Histologic findings in tissue biopsies associated with bacterial, fungal, and mycobacterial infections
  • Common histological stains used for pathogen detection and differentiation of microorganisms
  • Correlation with molecular testing for identification of microorganisms in tissues
  • Infectious “pseudoneoplasms” that may mimic malignancies in tissue.

Quiz Author Bios

Meets the Florida 1-hour specialty requirement in microbiology.

For ASCP, this course provides 2 contact hours in microbiology.

“Updates in Infectious Disease Diagnosis in Anatomic Pathology" is a chapter from Clinics in Laboratory Medicine published by Elsevier in 2020.

This chapter focuses on microorganisms that cause infectious disease, using histological examinations of stained tissue where these organisms are found. So much of this testing occurs today, using special stains to find pathogens in infected tissue, from bacteria to viral inclusions to parasites, that even though the testing itself would not be performed by microbiology personnel but most likely by histologists and histologic technicians, it would be of great interest to microbiology staff. In fact, in some instances, the presence of these organisms in stained tissue may be the gold standard for detecting infection by these organisms especially as many of them cannot be grown in culture in a routine laboratory. An example of this is the presence of H. pylori in a stomach tissue biopsy taken during an upper endoscopy from a patient with gastritis or gastric ulcers. The list goes on.

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Reading material and quizShipped2MICRO212.0$15.00
Reading Material and QuizOnline2MICRO21 (Online)2.0$15.00
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Reading material and quiz
Reading Material and Quiz
(2MICRO21 (Online))