Understanding Coronavirus

Author: Raul Rabadan of Columbia University
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date Published: 2020
Pages: 99
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2025

You may use this course to earn continuing education contact hours through December 31, 2023. This course meets the Florida 1-hour specialty requirement in microbiology. For those certified by ASCP, it provides 5 contact hours in microbiology.

Since the identification of the first cases of the coronavirus in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, there has been a significant amount of confusion regarding the origin and spread of SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the disease COVID-19.

Conflicting messages from the media and officials across different countries and organizations, the abundance of disparate sources of information, unfounded conspiracy theories on the origins of the newly emerging virus, and inconsistent public health measures across different countries, have all served to increase the level of anxiety concerning this virus.

Written by a leading expert, this concise and accessible introduction provides answers to the most common questions surrounding Coronavirus.


How is the Coronavirus Spreading? What is a Coronavirus?  How is the Coronavirus Changing? How did the  COVID-19 Outbreak Start and Evolve? How Does the COVID-19 Outbreak Compare to the SARS Outbreak in 2003? How Does the COVID-19 Outbreak Compare to Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza? Are There Therapeutic Options? 

This course is intermediate.

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Quiz onlyShippedCORONAVIRUS21 (Quiz)5.0$34.00
Quiz onlyOnlineCORONAVIRUS21 (Online-Quiz)5.0$32.00
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(CORONAVIRUS21 (Online-Quiz))