Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Nursing: Enhancing Professional Quality of Life, Second Edition

Author: Vidette Todaro-Franceschi, PhD, RN, FT
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Date Published: 2019
Pages: 293
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2025
Level of Difficulty: Basic

Pilot Study Nurse Comments

“The book had a flow to it, that was easy to read because of the descriptions of the various topics. The book was exceptional, much of the information was new to me, but the author made the reading and understanding of the material informative and useful.”

“This was very interesting! Excellent scenarios. I feel this would be great for working RN’s as well as faculty for nursing – would be a wonderful course for nursing.

“Overall, the questions for this course were well-written. This course was great! Far from your average Compassion Fatigue program. I found myself highlighting and writing all over the margins of this book. This course has given me many ideas to improve my professional work environment. My wish is that this course can provide hope and inspiration for many other nurses.”

"An excellent, well-written, and informative book with many important concepts relating to the ways in which good nurses are at hazard of being biased by their coworkers. This book is highly recommended for all nurses, especially nursing leaders in key management roles. A main and clearly developed theme in this book is that concerning assessment of the performance of the nurse, which in order for a fair judgment of the nurse’s overall performance should also include assessment of the quality of the patient outcome and the patient’s feedback regarding the care they received.”

“I really enjoyed this study. A great study for any nurse at any level of nursing and in any field. The subject matter and material presented are helpful regardless of how the nurse sees herself in relation to his/her nursing career. We can all learn to prevent burnout, work through, renew our compassion to be great caring caregivers. I am excited to share this with my coworkers and to read through the book at a much slower, more absorbable pace. I hope to use some of the many exercises and other great information listed in the appendix as well.

“I felt the quotes at the start of each chapter set a meditative tone for the content. This topic should be a requirement for all graduating nurses and a 5 year renewal topic for every practicing nurse. Require this topic for renewal as graduation and watch the miracle of healthcare unfold!”

“Well-written, would have liked to see more case studies, especially from the students in her classes.

“This course definitely needs to be available for CEUs as well as CCM CEUs. Very timely.”

"Very good CE course for all nurses to take. I don’t think we really recognize compassion fatigue/burnout and all the signs of it. Excellent study!”

“I found this book to be relevant to nursing and to everyday life. A real positive experience.”

“Excellent study! I wish I’d had this 40 years ago.”

“This topic was very timely considering the changes in 2020 from the pandemic. Very good information with a new perspective of looking at burnout/fatigue. Many “vignettes” resonated with me and helped explain information presented. I think “seasoned” nurses will identify with many of the experiences presented. Information may be an eye opener for new nurses.”

“Excellent and overdue topic. Much more research and publications related to burnout needs to be in all education programs and in all work-site yearly education programs. Nursing theory was a course I took when taking grad school courses. This is highly theory information which is extremely important. CNL, CNS, and any grad school nurse could benefit as well as those who would be in roles of leadership to make change.”

Comments From Course Participants

"This was one of the best courses I have taken. It was full of information and acknowledged many of the feelings and issues I encounter in my clinical setting." 

“I found this course quite relatable and an excellent resource for new nurse. The course was comprehensive and well-done."

This program is pre-approved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) to provide continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs).

CCRNs: This course is eligible for new synergy model Category C.

“Dr. Todaro-Franceschi calls us to look with open eyes, open hearts, and open minds at the good, the bad, the ugly, and the ugliest in health care so that together we can cultivate a healthcare world in which compassion prevails and our shared humanity is embraced… It is up to all of us to hold and safeguard each other in this sacred work. Dr. Todaro-Franceschi helps us in this mission through this extraordinary book.”

Mary Koloroutis, RN, MSN, CEO Creative Health Care Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Co-Creator of the Relationship-Based Care Model

Dr. Todaro-Franceschi offers new insights on professional quality of life, incorporating current practice, research literature, and examples to show how contentment and happiness of the nursing workforce is related to quality of care. The book provides practical strategies for dealing with a myriad of issues, including compassion fatigue, burnout, moral distress, caring for the dying, PTSD, and workplace violence. This resource will help empower nurses so they can create a more compassionate work environment.

Written by an expert in end of life education, professional quality of life, and clinical leadership, the text addresses the complex nature of well-being in the nursing workforce. Supported by research but written from a holistic and personal perspective, the text includes case studies and exercises that will help the reader to identify negative patterns and explore ways to find purpose in one’s life.

New to the Second Edition:

  • Expanded emphasis on how workforce well-being contributes to care quality
  • Updated resources and information on national nursing initiatives related to professional quality of life
  • New chapter on workplace violence (incivility, bullying and mobbing)
  • New chapter on education related to improving PQOL and work environment
  • Provides a Nurse Leaders Resource Toolkit to guide staff education


Part 1: Professional Quality of Life • The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of a Nurse’s Professional Quality of Life • Transforming Both Health and Care in Nursing Practice

Part 2: Unity, Purpose and the Good: An Ethic of Caring • Compassion and Contentment: Being Heartful and Happy At Work • Values and Excellence in Nursing • The ART of Reaffirming Purpose: A Healing Model for Carers

Part 3: The Bad: Compassion Fatigue and Moral Distress • Compassion Fatigue: A Heavy Heart Hurts • Moral Distress: I Know What I Ought To Do!

Part 4: The Ugly, Uglier, and Ugliest: Burnout and Workplace Violence • Burnout: Feeling Empty-Hearted and Disheartened • Bullying and Incivility in Nursing: An Oxymoron

Part 5: Facing Death • Being Prepared to Care for the Dying • Collective Trauma and Healing in Healthcare: Aching, Breaking Hearts

Part 7: Beating the Odds • Changing the Mindset in Nursing Education • Cultivating Collective Mindful Awareness in Nursing: A Leadership Agenda • Imagining and Actualizing the Power of Nursing

NameDeliveryCourse CodeHoursPrice 
Reading Material and Quiz (Integrated Reading Material)OnlineBURNOUT21 (Online)15.0$54.00
Book and quizShippedBURNOUT2115.0$64.00
Quiz onlyShippedBURNOUT21 Quiz15.0$34.00
Quiz onlyOnlineBURNOUT21 (Online-Quiz)15.0$34.00
Name / Course CodePrice / DeliveryHours 
Reading Material and Quiz (Integrated Reading Material)
(BURNOUT21 (Online))
Book and quiz
Quiz only
(BURNOUT21 Quiz)
Quiz only
(BURNOUT21 (Online-Quiz))