Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care, 2nd Edition

Author: Clifford S. Deutschman, MS, MD, FCCM, et al.
Publisher: Elsevier
Date Published: 2016
Pages: 636
Cover Type: Soft Cover
Expiration Date: 12/31/2020

Pilot Study Nurse Comments:
-“It was so interesting to see how research protocols and studies change the course of medicine. I often found myself saying, “Oh, that’s why we do that now (or why we have stopped doing X).”
- “The text ... covered pertinent topics with a focus on EBP which is so relevant for critical care nurses who practice today. The reasoning behind current practices is extremely interesting and provides meaning to our work.”
- “This is a great text - excellent resource for anyone, especially educators... it is really solid material but not for the faint of heart. There are a lot of statitstics and study details to wade through but in the end the nuggets are worth the dig. Definitely not ‘Easy Cerps!’”

CCRNs: This course is eligible for new synergy model Category A.